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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Southern Sweethearts: Boudoir & Bling (Our Wedding Gifts)

Mr. Lab and I knew early on that we wanted to exchange gifts on the wedding day. I came up with my gift for him soon after getting engaged. It was SO hard to keep it a secret until the wedding day. I think he knew what was up the day I went to go "make" it though...

As for his gift to me, it was so sweet I had a hard time believing he came up with it all by himself! Of course, he ran it by FMIL & FSIL Lab for their approval first, but still, it was impressive.


One of my favorite things in the whole wide world: a charm bracelet!

I have a ton of these (mostly sport-related). But it's nice to have one with a such a sentimental value.


Mr. Lab hand-picked each charm. He started with our wedding date. Then he added the "love" and "laugh" because he said those are the two things we do the most when we're together. :)

Then he added a couple more personal touches. Like a Labrador Retriever for our fur babies and of course, a nod to my Weddingbee moniker!


He wanted a charm to symbolize Savannah but could only think of nearby Tybee Island's lighthouse. It's kind of ironic considering the last time we were there, his fear of heights nearly gave him a stroke!


And of course, a football. Because we should all know by now how much I love that darn sport. ;)


I love love love this gift because it's a gift that will grow with us. He already has plans to add charms to it as we pass important milestones (i.e. our first home, baby, anniversaries, etc.).

I don't have any specific photos of my gift on the wedding day because Mr. Lab slipped it to me on the trolley ride to the reception. But I do have some of Mr. Lab's gift! Once again, groomsman Jimmy to the rescue!

First, he read a little note I added to the book.



Then he started flipping through the pages.





So did he like it? I'll let this face be the judge:


Need a closer look? I'll show you the less "risque" images. Sorry, those are for Mr. Lab's eyes only. ;)

The quality of the book was amazing:





The first page:




Again, I loves me some football. And so does Mr. Lab. This page = WIN.


Cameo by my Loubies!


Probably my favorite photo in the book:


There's actually a lot more to that photo. The rest looks more like its inspiration: the fabulous GaGa! (sans the smeared lipstick)

Are you planning to exchange gifts on the wedding day? If so, what are you getting for your fiance?

Previously on Southern Sweethearts:

Next Up: Our Unplanned First Look

*All photos with the exception of the ones featuring Mr. Lab and Lady GaGa are by yours truly! Photos in boudoir book by Lindsi Jones Photography.

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