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Monday, July 26, 2010

I'm So Official.

We interrupt these Labrador recaps to bring you some breaking news.

This gal is officially OFFICIAL.

Yes ladies (and gentlemen who may have gotten lost on their way to the sports boards), nearly 9 months after my wedding, I finally changed my name.

I am now a "Golden Girl". Betty White, you're no longer alone!


So what took so long?

See, what had happened was...all the same things that are keeping me from being on top of my recaps. You know, finishing school, getting a job, moving, buying a house...that sort of thing.

Oh yeah, that reminds me! We bought a house!!! And we've been busy "working" on the house.






I have a lot more to share about our new dwelling, but for now here's a little taste of our 4th of July housewarming party:


The Labrador "children" getting their patriotic on in the front yard!

Anyhoo, the actual process of changing my name wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be. I used MissNowMrs to fill out all my forms (using a coupon I found for half off). Then I spent an hour and 15 minutes waiting in the social security office just to spend 5 minutes at the actual counter changing my name. Apparently I was the most prepared person of the day? Why the heck would anyone visit any government office and NOT be prepared?!?

Then I headed over to the DDS to update my driver's license along with Mr. Lab (who was updating his with our new address). Same story: waiting...waiting...waiting...done in 5 minutes. I even updated my voter registration while I was at it.


All that's left is mailing off my notification letters to various companies (like my bank) to let them know about the name/address change (really the only reason to use MissNowMrs because they automate those forms for you).

So yeah, I'm officially official now. Some people grow humans in the amount of time it took me to change my name, but hey, it's finally done! I'm proud and Mr. Lab is even prouder. :)

Anyone else take forever to change their name? Longer than me?

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